Here it is right after I mixed everything together and poured it into my bucket. It is very watery with bits of the soap that didn't quite melt. You can just strain them out.

After it sits for 24 hours it turn into a large block of gel, but breaks up as soon as you put your hand or spoon into it. The end result is this slimy looking stuff.

I store my laundry detergent in this old 5 gallon bucket that previously held Kirkland brand powder detergent. Because my kids and husband tend to get their clothes extra dirty, I add one scoop of Oxy Clean to 1/2 cup of my homemade detergent and then wash as normal. I hope you all find that making your own soap is super easy and will share your stories with me here in the comment section.
FYI: I have found all 3 ingredients at Winco. My Stator Bros did not have the Arm & Hammer Washing Soap, but did have the Fels-Naptha and Borax. I found the Washing Soap at Albertson.